
Habitat is the place where we live. It is the place we call home.it is the shelter we feel safe and secure. So, today on this day of world habitat day, let’s celebrate our home, our shelter, our habitat.
While we are sitting comfortably in our homes, there are people in different parts of terai and hilly region of Nepal who have lost their shelter because of recent flood in terai and devastating earthquake of 2072 B.S.(2015A.D.). They have no home, no habitat. They are living under tiny sheet of tents or clothing. Unfortunately, resettlement plan has not yet been properly developed and implemented.
It has been two months since the flood in terai and two years since the earthquake and yet many people have not got the help from the government that was promised to them still they are living pitiful life with no home.
There had been policies in order to help the victims of natural disasters. There had been lots of donations from different countries, NGOs and INGOs. However, those policies and donations did not reach may be known or may be unknown those help were on their way and the loud cries for help still fills the nation. Sad to say, these people who actually make difference in those victims life are turning deaf ear to those cries for help.
I just hope those cries would not be unanswered for long. Soon enough every person in this nation and in the whole world will have a place to call home sweet home. After all everyone deserves a decent place to live .And after all the earth is still the home for humanity
