Our life and environment are interrelated with each other. There is environment then there is our life. Rather there is suitable environment then there is our life. Our basic needs air, water and food are provided by environment. But we human beings are forgetting that if environment is sustaining our life then its our responsibility to sustain the environment, take good care of it and make it better than before.
Our environment consists of plants, animals including us, human beings. Therefore, our environment is not only for humans but it also belongs to those plants and other organisms. Likewise, we are not the ruler of the environment, we are the care taker of the environment. So. it our sole duty take care of our environment and make it a better home for not only us but for all the living beings.
We are alive now however it may not be same after few hundred of years as the ongoing rate of environmental deterioration. That's why it is outmost need of this time to think about environment conservation. There is no life without the environment so, if you love your life then love your environment and if you want to save your life then save your environment.
 Image may contain: tree, sky, outdoor and nature
