Image may contain: tree, plant, outdoor and nature
WWF Nepal has vowed to protect 1.03 million hectares of representative forest ecosystems under the protected areas (PAs) system in the two priority landscapes and other national priority areas.
These are the strategies we will use for the effective protection of our forests:
• Support effective implementation and management plans for PAs
• Establish mechanisms for the management of PAs
• Ensure effective management in community managed PAs, community forests, corridors and bottlenecks
• Strengthen habitat management in PAs
• Ensure community stewardship and involvement of stakeholders in and around PAs
• Strengthen capacity of PAs, buffer zone, and community forest users groups.
To manage 660,000 hectares of critical forests in identified corridors and biodiversity hotspots (two east-west corridor in Chure and seven prioritized corridors) in the two priority landscapes.
These are the strategies we will use to ensure our forests are properly managed:
• Ensure sustainable and integrated conservation and management of fragile ecosystems
• Ensure conservation and management of corridors and biodiversity hotspots are included in District Forest Sector Plans
• Promote/establish sustainable management models for corridors and hotspots and replicate in new sites
• Facilitate the designation of corridors and biodiversity hotspots as protection forests and ensure systematic planning and management
• Ensure community stewardship and involvement of stakeholders (including private sector) in forest resource management
• Initiate REDD+ readiness with sub national REDD project and assess the forest carbon stocks
• Diversify livelihood options through sustainable use of forest resources promoting green enterprises and green jobs
• Promote sustainable financing mechanism to manage forest and environmental resources
To restore 35,000 hectares of degraded areas in critical areas, bottlenecks and priority watersheds in two priority landscapes and other national conservation priority areas.
To ensure effective restoration, WWF Nepal will follow these strategies:
• Control forest encroachment and reclaim and restore evacuated areas by mobilizing community and local institutions
• Restore degraded forests in critical areas, bottlenecks, priority watersheds and hotspots
• Identify and initiate actions to address the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in the landscapes.
