Roadside Trees Benefit To Individuals And Environment

Planting roadside trees were an important welfare measures of erstwhile rulers.These trees give relief to humans, birds and animals in sun and rains. Unfortunately it has become a practice to cut and destroy such trees today in the name of development,not planting replacements. Nowadays people have to sweat it out under concrete and asbestos bus shelters. This article underlines and reminds on the benefits of roadside trees.


When we happen to swelter under a concrete roofed bus stop, we long for a cool shade of a roadside tree. Even now when we go far beyond the cities we get the enchanting experience of tree-lined road sometimes. Then we long for the good old days when the Kings and Nobles used to tie their horses on the roadside trees and the whole group taking rest under the canopy of well foliaged trees. Le us see how the roadside trees benefit the individual humans and environment

How roadside trees benefit pedestrians and travellers

  • Roadside trees give shade from sun 
    In the hot summer the roadside trees spread their branches and leaves and give a cools shade for the pedestrians. The trees also give shade to cool the long running vehicles, which can be parked under the trees conveniently. If the trees are continuous and with rich growth, the travel feels good even without air conditioner, as the breeze seeping will be a few degrees lesser than that in open roads without trees.
  • Roadside trees give cover from rains
    Road side trees with their rich foliage can act as umbrella during rains. Sometimes the trunk of the tree grows in a curvature which is a sure cover in rains for the pedestrians. Vehicle can be protected from the torrent of rains if they are parked under trees. Trees protect the sudden downpour and slowly regulate the flow along their trunks. Hence the rain fury is regulated.
  • Trees on the roadside help in shielding winds 
    The winds accompanying rains can make driving very difficult due to the shear, spray and the wind force acting on glasses from sides, front and rear. But a road lined with many trees help in restricting the wind force, as they take the most of the force on them and act like a filter. Similarly in cold season, they give comfort by shielding from cool winds.
  • Roadside trees serve as a bus shelter
    Contrary to the modern asbestos, tin roof or concrete covered bus shelters, road side trees provide a cheaper alternative to bus shelters. They shield the waiting commuters from sun and rain. That helps them from the solar radiation and keeps the eyes and body comfortable
  • Roadside trees prevent erosion and protect side bund 
    Roadside trees prevent many accidents. In rainy seasons, the side bund of roads become wet, and give away when a heavy vehicle pass on them by mistake in nights or when visibility is low. This happens while giving way for another vehicle also. But with roadside trees, the driver can clearly locate the boundaries and even if the side bunds are wet, the trees hold the soil.

How roadside trees help the environment

  • Roadside tree reduce dust particle
    In crowded, dusty roads, the dust particles never get settled. They are in a continuous motion. They enter into the noses of pedestrians, enter into vehicle and disturb the surrounding residences along the roadside.
    But trees and shrubs lined on the roadside. Function as barriers and block the dust particles, as they soon settle ob the leaves and trunk of the trees. Due to this, the nearby residences are saved from much of the dust rising from the roads and the particles from the exhaust of vehicles.
  • Trees supply oxygen 
    During Photosynthesis or food preparation, they send out oxygen. Hence, the more the trees, the more the supply of oxygen to the environment.
  • Trees reduce greenhouse effect
    Trees and plant s use carbon dioxide for their food preparation. Hence they do some cleaning by absorbing the carbon dioxide and thus prevent warming. Carbon dioxide is thought to be a big factor in global warming. 
  • Trees reduce noise pollution
    Trees on the roadside function as sound barriers. Hence the surrounding areas are well protected from the noise arising out of traffic on the roads
  • Other benefits of road side trees
    Birds flock to trees for their food and shelter. They build nests on them. The flowers attract bees and butterflies. The flowers add beauty to the roadsides. Ir will be a real scene to watch sides with flowering trees and the birds and butterflies on them. That not only enriches the environment, but gives a pleasant feeling to the pedestrians and vehicular traveler. It is just enchanting to see the headlights reflected on the roadside trees and sometimes they gave a very mystic feeling enchanting the minds.


The roadside trees are a cheaper and positive way to preserve and improve environment. There were the Social Forestry programmers, which yielded results, but failed due to the lack of follow up actions and also in wrong selection of the tress which were not natural to our country. The same programmes should be re implemented by removing the errors.
